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Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal reflex of the body to certain signals like ambient temperature or physical exertion. However, when the sweating happens beyond the normal physiological levels, and not always in response to a stimulus, it is termed as hyperhidrosis, or simply, excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating can occur due to some pathological conditions like thyroid hormone dysfunction, neurological disorders, or due to certain medications. However, in a large number of people, no single cause can be identified. This group of people fall into the category called primary hyperhidrosis.

About 2 -3% of the population are said to suffer from this condition. The most common areas involved are the underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis), palms (palmar hyperhidrosis), soles (plantar hyperhidrosis), or on areas of the face and /or the scalp (craniofacial hyperhidrosis). Less commonly, other areas may also be involved.

For persons suffering from primary hyperhidrosis, this condition can be very debilitating. From finding it difficult to write exams without the use of a blotting paper, to simply being able to shake someone’s hands with confidence – the misery of a person with hyperhidrosis often goes untold and unaccounted for. What’s worse the nervousness and lack of confidence arising out of the uncalled for sweating, turns into a vicious cycle, and aggravates the condition further. For those with axillary sweating, coordinating their wardrobe, would mean choosing clothes that would not embarrass them by not showing up the patches of wetness over the underarm region. Excessive sweating also makes body odour more noticeable.

At RENDER Skin & Hair (formerly, Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic), the HIDROSIS CLINIC, caters exclusively to patients with primary hyperhidrosis. Each person who comes in with this complaint, is evaluated carefully for an underlying systemic condition. Once that is done, we perform a Starch – Iodine Test, to assess the extent of the problem, and administer a Hyperhidrosis Quality of Life Assessment, to assess the disability and the emotional burden attributable to the problem. Once this is done, a treatment protocol is then devised.

Nowdays, hyperhidrosis is managed with a combination of medical and dermatosurgical procedures. No longer does have to resort to radical surgeries like thoracic sympathectomy, which come with a large risk of producing compensatory hyperhidrosis, which after all, defeats the purpose of treatment. What’s more, this side effect has been noted by patients to be more uncomfortable than the original sweating itself!

We offer topical therapies, oral medications, and treatments like iontophoresis, and finally, injection Botulinum toxin for the management of troublesome and excessive sweating. Newer options like radiofrequency and laser treatments are being studied, and will be available shortly. One of the most established and effective treatments for hyperhidrosis, injection Botulinum toxin is a great boon to those who suffer from this condition. Botulinum toxin works on the sweat glands to help reduce sweat output, and the results last for close to 6 months. Where we excel, is our ability to offer this highly useful treatment option, with the comfort of very good pain relief.