Electrosurgery and Radio frequency ablation are methods by which warts can be removed almost painlessly and immediately. Using either topical (by applying a cream) or local (using a small injection) anesthesia, the procedure is rendered quick and painless to the patient. Healing occurs over a period of 3 to 10 days depending on the size and the depth of the lesion. These methods do away with the tedious process of wart paints and creams, and are of particular help in preventing warts from spreading further.
A newer technique is the use of Bleomycin for removing warts over the palms and soles. The use of either radio-frequency or electrocautery to remove warts over the palms and soles, and especially in/ around the nails can be associated with significant downtime and pain. Bleomycin can be a boon in such situations, where the wart alone can be removed with preservation of surrounding skin. Dr Renita Rajan is a pioneer in the use of Bleomycin for warts and keloids, and Dr Renita Rajan Skin & Hair Clinic is among the few clinics to offer this advanced option of wart treatment in India.